and coaching
my library verses renting,and the coaching difference is. ・Teaching:to teach is the answer, with the answer showing. ・Coaching: to teach them which side is the answer to the way to think and seek solutions, and their answers would help. Namely,coaching applying a bold and revolutionary solution to expect this too. Severe seems to be waiting for an answer, time is over, their movements in solution must not survive we.Phoenix in the League's coaching to be!
Miyazaki, performed at the Phoenix joined the League players, a handful of,1 Army regular war, had to survive the game. This instructional League period of"coaching"model in ・game that contribute to the hit of hit who devised a player ・the batter well to suppress pitching, they devised a player ・mistake Defense Advanced players ・worth interleague weaves for players so players can survive and go on me. Life is like a microcosm of a very demanding world,it farm our players,,,,,. I think he used every day to survive, inventing a posture to lose so as not not feel and. Good luck in Japan!