Baseball Souvenir|Begin preparing for the graduation and graduation souvenir! |Wooden Keyaki Clock

The only item that can be moved by itself is among the baseball souvenirs! Tricky...

"Wooden Keyaki Clock" as a baseball souvenir. When you pick it up in your hand, it's a very nice watch. It features a subdued color and a heavy grain, and has a unique texture and warmth.

It is thick and has a solid sense of stability. I will introduce you in detail.


Very nice! Wooden zelkova clock

It is a Roman numeral dial that combines bat illustrations.

Wooden zelkova clock ② Wooden zelkova clock ③

●Size: Approx. 40 cm x 25 cm x 2.5 cm (length x width x thickness)

Weight: About 2kg

※I engrave on the top and bottom of the dial.

⇒ Click here for more information on this product!

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