Baseball Memorabilia, Wedding Gifts, Wedding Gifts | ~ Clear bat

Clear bat perfect for wedding gifts

A new companion has joined the baseball memorabilia of Ball! "85cm Clear Bat"

85cm%e3%82% af%e3% 83% aa%e3% 82%a2%e3% 83% 90% e3% 83% 83% e3% e3% 83% e3% 83% 83% 83% 83% 88% e2% 91% a0

It is a "clear bat" of 85cm regular bat size that you do not see elsewhere. It is stamped, and it is gorgeous in appearance ^^.♪

85cm%e3%82% af%e3% 83% aa% e3% 82% a2% e3% 83% 83% 90% e3% 83% 83% e3% 83% 83% 83% 83% 88% e2% 91%a1 85cm%e3%82% af%e3% 83% aa% e3% 82% a2% e3% 83% 83% 90% e3% 83% 83% e3% 83% 83% 83% 83% 88% e2% 91%a2


Length: 85cm

Weight: 1600g

※With acrylic bat stand

※With one bat bag

★It can be stamped up to 50 characters!

Please use it as a special souvenir of various scenes such as not only wedding gifts but also commemorations of participation in the tournament.

For more information on this product, please click here! ⇒"85cm Clear Bat"

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