Graduation Party Memorial, Graduation Club Memorial, Baseball Commemorative Products| Baseball Memorabilia

Authentic school! A number of baseball memorabilia

You can't use a mini-bat or a unique bat! I want a proper bat memorabilia! Recommended for you of such a "full-fledged" is a commemorative bat to introduce this time. The length is also*85cm, 91cmTwo types of available.

The 85cm commemorative bat is rich in color variations, so you can make it in your favorite color. In addition, the 91cm commemorative bat,※Two types of gold and redAvailable. Both 85cm and 91cm, length and weight are almost the same as regular bats. However, it is a gem that combines the article as a souvenir.

⇒85cm commemorative bat order from here!  

91cm Commemorative Knock Bat

⇒91cm commemorative knock bat order from here!

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