the front hitting tee batting
bat control for good, elbows・wrists of the basic operation practice of the methods described below.< Points>
・the body from the front of the list, raising the plexus in front of the beat.
・The bat's core and conscious that,accustomed from the waist not the head speed up to
<training methods>
★swing and tee the batting to do.
・the body from the front of the list, raising the plexus in front of the ball from the center, the direction of punching practice.
・Elbow, wrist and how to use attention and bat the ball core, and these conscious while punching practice.

・right elbow from a plexus in front of the ball to be.

・After the impact is the wrist and returns the larger follow through with that.
・From the ground to your shoulders, hips, knees open one fixed. Arms, elbows, wrists, using compact to hit the ball.
・Once you've become familiar with the moment of impact the hips, not the swing speed on hit.
Bat control is afflicted with a try!