The natural enemy of Grab (glove) is "rain".

This year, the rainy season has been earlier than usual, but have you already prepared for rain for baseball tools?
In particularRain is a natural enemy for gloves.
If you don't do the right maintenance when the glove gets wet, the glove will soon be useless.
Baseball is a sport with games and practice in the rain.
If you are playing baseball, you will always have the opportunity to get wet in the rain, so
【table of contents】
- [Latest version in 2022] Maintenance method of grab (gloves) wet in the rain
- [Practice] Maintenance of gloves (gloves) wet in the rain
- Reasons to spray a large amount of Proteios (Protios) on a glove wet in rainwater
- How to purchase Proteios
- Finally
[Latest version in 2022] Maintenance method of grab (gloves) wet in the rain

From here on, we will introduce the latest version of the rainy day at the end of May 2022.
In the previous chapter, I explained how to deal with a glove wet in the rain,
I will tell you this timeHow to reduce the damage of the wet gloves and use them in the original stateis.
Grab maintenance on rainy days using Proteios
I use a grab treatment called Proteios.
Proteios is a grab treatment agent newly released last year.
It is a product that has a higher permeability into leather than a conventional grab oil and revives the glove from the inside. It is reputed to be high.
[Practice] Maintenance of gloves (gloves) wet in the rain
Grab maintenance method on rainy days using Proteios
① Remove mud dirt with a brush or cloth
The ground on the day of the rain is muddy, with rain soaked in the soil, and mud dirt is given when catching the goro or diving.
If the mud is dried without dropping it, the mud will dry together and stick to the leather. Be sure to use a brush or cloth to remove mud dirt firmly before drying.

② Pain a lot of PROTEIOS to the entire grab
After wiping the mud or water droplets on the grab, spray Proteios on the entire glove.
↓↓The point is like the image ofAnyway, spray a lotThat is.
③ Dry with shade
After removing the mud stains on the grab, dry it firmly.
If you leave a wet glove in the rain without removing it out of your bag or bag, the rain component will permeate the leather and deteriorate the leather.
Be sure to dry in a well -ventilated shade when drying the grab.
Reasons to spray a large amount of Proteios (Protios) on a glove wet in rainwater
Pushed into the grabRainwaterGrab when driedOilThe glove becomes dry because it is brought together.
Glabs wet in the rain are generally applied to grab oil after dryingbut,Once the oil is removed from the glove, it is extremely difficult to regain the original strength of the grab.
If you can, you want to dry the glove with the oil of the grab that you originally owned.
In such a case, Proteios is recommended!
For ProteiosThe effect of removing (volatilization) of unnecessary moistureBecause there is, if you spray Proteios while the glove is wet in rainwater, you can dry the rainwater while protecting the necessary ingredients (oil). Click here for Proteios
What you should never do when drying the grab

① Dry it on the sun
② Dry with a dryer
③ Dry with a dryer
④ Warm in a microwave
Note that drying like the above will cause a rapid shortening of the life of the glove leather.
How to purchase Proteios
When purchasing at the store
Prot at the storeIf you would like to see EIOS (Protios), please contact the "Proteios) handling store nationwide.
Click here for "Proteios handling store"
It is highly recommended because you will be able to teach a lot of grabs and baseball tools in addition to using Proteios (Protios) by actually visiting the store!
When purchasing at the internet store
You can also purchase at the Internet store.
At this store, it will be free shipping nationwide by purchasing a product of 10,000 yen or more, so please use the official website.
Click here for "Proteios" product page
[Latest version in 2022] Maintenance method using Proteios of grab (gloves) wet in the rainHow was it?
I think that many people are surprised by the new maintenance method that wets drenched with Proteios so that it will be overtaken by the wet glove (*^.^*).
PROTEIOS is a very useful product other than when it gets wet, so we recommend that you prepare one at this opportunity.
Click here for normal use ↓↓