a variety of training bamboos with a personality
The "Juvenile Bamboo Bat" is said to be the pronoun for "ball park dot-com". Many players are already practicing using the bamboo bat.It is not a bamboo bat that is used only by a boy, even if it is called a juvenile-use bamboo bat.For the purpose of use from childhood to universities and society, there are 12 different types of bublets, each of which has a different weight and length.Please try again.
Now, this time, it is a "training bamboo bat" designed to overcome his weaknesses in a pinpoint, rather than a juvenile bamboos. Each has its own individuality, and when it is put into practice, it will have a great effect.
So let me introduce you to you as soon as you can. The first one is the "Ultra-Glip Training Bat".
Ultra-Glip Training Butt

[Strengto Part]
Bat Control-A
It is designed to be easy to control with the flat and fingertips of the hand, so it is suited for a batter with a weak point at the bat control, or a batter who wants to start training on the basics when breaking down the form.
○ Impacting sense of impact on impact
At the moment of impact, the area of the bats and grip hands is wider.In particular, it is suitable for training to grasp the sensation of the thrust, because it is possible to feel the reaction handed down in the hand in the entire hand.
○ Training in a list turnaround
As the grip is fat, the wrist movements are restrained so that only the small tips of the wrist and fingertips cannot be easily returned to the wrist. Therefore, the batter with the habit of kneading, and the batter in which the head is extremely late, is effective in the so-called wristturn training, which is the timing of the return of the wrist by repeatedly exercising batting training in the far-fat bat.
[How to practice osusome]
A normal bamboo bat is teaped after teapeting in a superpolar grip bat.
After free batting in the ultra-polar grip bat, a free batting is performed in a regular bamboo bat.
See the hyperpolar grip training bat details from Kochira!